Web Development

Web Development
Web Development

2013 is officially the year of going mobile. In 2012, more than 50% of all online searches were conducted on Smartphones and this number is expected to increase significantly every year.

So, instead of designing separate websites for specific dimensions, you're able to serve both your mobile and desktop users with one responsive design website. With responsive design, your website's layout will automatically adjust to the dimensions of the browser it opens in. In addition to providing a better user experience, responsive website design will also improve your search engine optimization, because you no longer have split traffic to two sites. In fact, Google officially announced in 2012 that they favor responsive web design for mobile websites.

In addition to ensuring you have adopted all the latest technologies, it is also important to note, that ongoing maintenance of your website is critical to ensure information and designs are up-to-date; current and innovative to keep customers coming back!


  • Website Design (responsive design for all devices)
  • Web Programming
  • Content Management Systems
  • E-commerce Systems
  • Industry Vertical Solutions
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Hosting Solutions
  • Social Media Management

By joining sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube, you have access to an online community of people interested in your niche market. This substantially increases the size of your audience and potential target market, but remember it’s not all about promotion, you must interact with these people at a personal level too in order to maintain your existing online community and win-over new followers. Keep in mind that social media is not only about sales.